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On March 8, the world will come together under the theme "Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow," asking for women-led climate action. Women and girls are critical to pushing change in climate adaptation, mitigation, and solutions. Solutions for a sustainable planet and gender equality are unlikely without the participation of half of the world's population. As a result, now is the time for female activists to speak up about how they can actively develop resilience to climate change and effectively shape a better future. On that theme, Nutrition Club will host a Voices of Women webinar on International Women's Day to hear from women about their responsibilities and plans for combating climate change

Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) jointly with BIID Foundation organized a special training program on “Digital Skills on Managing Business and e-Commerce” for persons with disabilities.It was an online-based training program which was offered in 10 sessions from 5th July to 15th July, 2021

কয়েক দশক আগেও এশিয়া-প্যাসিফিক দেশগুলোর নারী উদ্যোক্তাদের অনেক সীমাবদ্ধতা ছিল, কিন্তু এখন এই দেশগুলোর জন্য তথ্য-প্রযুক্তি একটি আশির্বাদে পরিণত হয়েছে। নারী উদ্যোক্তারা আজ ডিজিটাল দক্ষতা অর্জনের মাধ্যমে পেশাগত (চাকুরী কিংবা ব্যাবসা) জগতে পা রাখতে পেরেছেন। UNESCAP/APCICT এর উদ্যোগ এবং Bangladesh Institute of ICT in Development (BIID) বাংলাদেশে “Digital Skills on Financial Management and Access to Finance" বিষয়ে একটি বিশেষ প্রশিক্ষণ কর্মসূচি আয়োজন করেছেন। এই কর্মসূচির লক্ষ্য হলো- ব্যাবসায়ের হিসাব নিকাশ, অর্থায়ন এবং বিনিয়োগ বিষয়ে ধারণা প্রদান এবং তথ্য প্রযুক্তির মাধ্যমে উদ্যোক্তাদের দক্ষতা বাড়ানো। এর মাধ্যমে নারী উদ্যোক্তারা তাদের ব্যবসাকে আরও দক্ষ ভাবে পরিচালনা করতে পারবেন এবং ব্যবসার সঠিক অবস্থা জেনে সিদ্ধান্ত নিতে পারবেন। ইতিমধ্যে আয়োজিত এই প্রশিক্ষণ শেষে নারী উদ্যোক্তারা Financial Statement এর প্রতিটি হিসাব নিজেরা করতে সক্ষম হয়েছেন এবং প্রমাণ করেছেন “আমরা নারী আমরা পারি“। বর্তমানে এই প্রশিক্ষণ কর্মসূচিটি চলমান আছে।

Bangladesh Computer Council(BCC), ICT Division এর উদ্যোগে প্রথমবার Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) খুলনা বিভাগে. Bangladesh Institute of ICT in Development (BIID) এবং BWIT যৌথ ভাবে জাতিসংঘের UNESCAP/APCICT এর “Women ICT Frontier Initiative (WIFI)” বিষয়ক প্রশিক্ষণের আয়োজন করেছে. প্রশিক্ষণে খুলনা বিভাগের নারী উদ্যোক্তা ও শিক্ষার্থীরা অংশগ্রহন করেন।

3rd Independent Summit Dialogue
UN Food Systems Summit 2021

BIID Foundation jointly with Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), organized the 3rd Independent Summit Dialogue under Action Track 1 of UN Food Systems Summit 2021 on 23rd June 2021 over Zoom. The dialogue was entitled “Smart Skills for Adolescents and Youth on Nutrition, Nutrition Academy: Smart Skills for Adolescents and Youth in Bangladesh”. Ms. Miriam Shindler, Program Lead, Better Diet for Children, Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), joined the dialogue as the Special Guest. Mr. Zakir Hossain Akanda, Secretary (PRL), Ministry of Planning, Member (PRL), Planning Commission, joined as the Chief Guest of the dialogue.

2nd Independent Summit Dialogue
UN Food Systems Summit 2021

BIID Foundation jointly with Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), organized the 2nd Independent Summit Dialogue under Action Track 1 of UN Food Systems Summit 2021 on 16th June 2021 over Zoom. The dialogue was entitled “Smart Snacks for Adolescents to Address Malnutrition, An Inclusive Business Model to Address Adolescents Nutrition in Bangladesh”. Mr.Syed Mojibul Huq, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, and Dr. Saul Morris Director, Programme Services, Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), joined the dialogue as the Special Guests. Mr. Khaja Abdul Hannan, Convener of National Dialogue, UN FSS 2021, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Food, joined as the Chief Guest of the dialogue.

National Nutrition Week 2021
Nutrition Week Competition 2021 on ‘Bhalo Khabo Bhalo Thakbo’

National Nutrition Week is celebrated on 23rd – 29th April every year, to increase the awareness of the people about nutrition. On the occasion of National Nutrition Week 2021, a Nutrition Competition has been arranged by BIID Foundation. BIID Foundation is a social venture of Bangladesh Institute of ICT in Development (BIID), which works to foster economic and social development through sustainable business model & ICT enabled solutions. BIID has been actively leading The Nutrition Club and Nutrition Olympiad since 2015 and 2017 respectively.
The “Bhalo Khabo, Bhlao Thakbo” Competition organized during the National Nutrition Week 2021 has been jointly organized with National Nutrition Service (NNS), Institute of Public Health and Nutrition (IPHN) and Bangladesh National Nutrition Council (BNNC) with support from GAIN Bangladesh.

Nutrition Olympiad 2019 was successfully held on Saturday 27th April, 2019 at BICC, Dhaka, organized by BIID Foundation jointly with the MUCH/FAO, FPMU, Ministry of Food and was financially supported by USAID) and EU. BNNC, BIRTAN, GAIN, UNICEF, Bangladesh Red Crescent Society, YPARD, Little farmer joined the event as ‘Strategic Partner’.
The theme of this year Olympiad was “Foster Youth Engagement for a Well-nourished World”. The one-day event had variety of engaging and exciting activities for lined up youth engagement like food design competition, street play, healthy snacks competition, and many more. More than 1000 youths, government officials, international & national organizations, civil society, professionals, academia, media participated in the event.
More details are available at Nutrition Olympiad 2019 … Click here…


NO2019 Announcement

It is our immense pleasure to announce that Nutrition Olympiad 2019 will be held on Saturday, 27th April 2019 at the Bangabandhu International Conference Centre (BICC), Agargaon, Sher-E-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka, organized by the Meeting the Undernutrition Challenge (MUCH) project, implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in collaboration with the Food Planning and Monitoring Unit (FPMU), Ministry of Food, and the BIID Foundation during Nutrition Week 2019. The event will be financially supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and European Union (EU). Nutrition Olympiad 2019 will bring together youth and adolescents including of NC representatives, food security, nutrition and health experts, policymakers, development partners, private sector, international and national organizations, Civil Society Organizations (CSO) working on nutrition and media. This year’s Olympiad will encourage persons with disabilities and ensure inclusive participation in different activities.

For more information is available at Nutrition Olympiad 2019 … Click here…

গত ৬ই ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৯, বুধবার,বাংলাদেশ পল্লী উন্নয়ন একাডেমী (বার্ড) এবং বাংলাদেশ ইনস্টিটিউট অফ আইসিটি ইন ডেভেলপমেন্ট (বিআইআইডি) এর যৌথ উদ্যোগে "আধুনিক নগর সুবিধা সম্প্রসারণের লক্ষ্যে গ্রামে তরুণ উদ্যোক্তা সৃজন" বিষয়ক সূচনা কর্মশালার আয়োজন করা হয়।

উক্ত অনুষ্ঠানে প্রধান অতিথি হিসেবে ছিলেন জনাব মো: তাজুল ইসলাম, এমপি, মাননীয় মন্ত্রী, স্থানীয় সরকার, পল্লী উন্নয়ন ও সমবায় মন্ত্রণালয়, গণপ্রজাতন্ত্রী বাংলাদেশ সরকার এবং বিশেষ অতিথি হিসেবে ছিলেন জনাব জুনাইদ আহ্‌মেদ পলক, এমপি, মাননীয় প্রতিমন্ত্রী, তথ্য ও যোগাযোগ প্রযুক্তি বিভাগ, গণপ্রজাতন্ত্রী বাংলাদেশ সরকার। অনুষ্ঠানের সভাপতিত্ব করনে জনাব মো: কামাল উদ্দিন তালুকদার, সচিব, পল্লী উন্নয়ন ও সমবায় বিভাগ।করা হয়েছে।

আগামী ৬ই ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৯, বুধবার, সকাল ১০.০০ ঘটিকায় বাংলাদেশ পল্লী উন্নয়ন একাডেমী (বার্ড) এবং বাংলাদেশ ইনস্টিটিউট অফ আইসিটি ইন ডেভেলপমেন্ট (বিআইআইডি) এর যৌথ উদ্যোগে "আধুনিক নগর সুবিধা সম্প্রসারণের লক্ষ্যে গ্রামে তরুণ উদ্যোক্তা সৃজন" বিষয়ক সূচনা কর্মশালা সিরডাপ ইন্টারন্যাশনাল কনফারেন্স সেন্টার, তোপখানা রোড, ঢাকায় আয়োজন করা হয়েছে।

#MoU Singing between BIID and Primeasia University

BIID signed an MoU with the department of Public Health Nutrition,Primeasia University to introduce Nutrition Club on 10th November,2018. The Nutrition Club will promote food based nutrition advocacy in Bangladesh and ensure youth engagement in addressing and correcting malnutrition.

#Nutri_Career_Fest 2018

BIID will join as Strategic Partner of ‘Nutri Career Fest 2018’, organized by Youth Club of Bangladesh (YCB) to be held on 23rd November, 2018 at 71 Hall, Daffodil International University, Dhanmondi, Dhaka. BIID will organize a session on ‘Entrepreneurship’ to boost up the opportunities of self-employment for the participants (nutritionists, nutrition professionals and students).

For more information and registration in the Career Fest, please click here.

নিউট্রিশন ক্লাবের উদ্যোগে প্রথমবারের মত প্রকাশিত হয়েছে পুষ্টি বিষয়ক নিউজলেটার “অগ্রযাত্রা”। এটি ১টি ত্রৈমাসিক নিউট্রিশন ক্লাব প্রকাশনা, যার ১ম সংখ্যার, ১ম সংস্করণের আয়োজক ছিল বাংলাদেশ কৃষি বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় নিউট্রিশন ক্লাব। বাংলাদেশ ইনস্টিটিউট অফ আইসিটি ইন ডেভেলপমেন্ট (BIID) এর সার্বিক তত্ত্ববাধানে অগ্রযাত্রা প্রকাশিত হবে। পরবর্তী সংখ্যাগুলো পর্যায়ক্রমে প্রতিটি নিউট্রিশন ক্লাবের আয়োজনে এবং অন্যান্য নিউট্রিশন ক্লাবের অংশগ্রহণে প্রকাশিত হবে।

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Signing Ceremony between BNNC, IPHN and BIID

To address malnutrition collectively in Bangladesh, Bangladesh National Nutrition Council (BNNC), Institute of Public Health & Nutrition (IPHN) and Bangladesh Institute of ICT in Development (BIID) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on 4th of October 2018 at Institute of Public Health & Nutrition (IPHN), Mohakhali, Dhaka.
Dr. Md. Shah Nawaz, Director General of BNNC, Dr. Samir Kanti Sarkar, Director, IPHN & Line Director, NNS and Mr. Shahid Uddin Akbar, CEO, BIID signed the MoU representing their respected organizations.
Promoting innovation, fostering use of ICT, engaging youths and advocating on training, research and capacity building on nutrition are the four major objectives of this MoU. It may be mentioned that both BNNC and IPHN has agreed to partner with BIID in hosting International Nutrition Olympiad 2019.

BIID has become a member of SUN Civil Society Alliance

We are very happy to share that Bangladesh Institute of ICT in Development (BIID) has become a member in the General Committee, Civil Society Alliance, Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN). Since 2010, the SUN Movement has inspired a new way of working collaboratively to end malnutrition, in all its forms. Looking forward to contribute more in the field of nutrition and experiences with other members.

BIID signed an MoU with Noakhali Science and Technology University (NSTU) to introduce Nutrition Club at NSTU and engage students to fight against all kinds of malnutrition. Was very happy to see the young team of faculties of Food Technology and Nutrition Science (FTNS) and very enthusiastic students to contribute for good cause like nutrition. All the very best for the new NSTU NC. #standagainstmalnutrition

H.E. Ms. Sidsel Bleken, Honorable Ambassador of Norway to Bangladesh along with Ms. Ummee Saila, Adviser of the Norwegian Embassy in Dhaka participated in #standagainstmalnutrition photo campaign organized by Bangladesh Institute of ICT in Development (BIID) on July 3, 2018. BIID is fostering youth led Nutrition Club initiative in Bangladesh to fight against all sorts of malnutrition. Mr. Shahid Uddin Akbar, CEO, BIID along with BIID officials and members of Nutrition Club also participated in the campaign. #standagainstmalnutrition

H.E. Mrs Marie-Annick BOURDIN, Honorable Ambassador of France to Bangladesh, along with the distinguished officials of the Embassy of France to Bangladesh participated in the #StandAgainstMalnutrition photo campaign organized by Bangladesh Institute of ICT in Development (BIID) on 13th June, 2018. BIID is fostering youth led Nutrition Club initiative in Bangladesh to fight against all sorts of malnutrition. BIID Team and members of Nutrition Club also participated in the Campaign.

H.E. Charlotta Schlyter, Ambassador of Sweden to Bangladesh, along with Ylva Festin, Second Secretary (Political & Trade) participated in the #StandAgainstMalnutrition photo campaign organized by Bangladesh Institute of ICT in Development (BIID). BIID is fostering youth led Nutrition Club initiative in Bangladesh to fight against all sorts of malnutrition. Mr. Shahid Uddin Akbar, CEO, BIID along with BIID Officials and members of Nutrition Club also participated in the Campaign. #standagainstmalnutrition

Nutrition Olympiad 2018 was held at the Bangabandhu International Convention Centre (BICC), Agargaon, Sher-E-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka on 21st of April as a precursor event to National Nutrition Week.

To read more:
New Age news paper
The Daily Star news paper

BIID jointly with FAO, MoF, Suchana and GAIN organized the Nutrition Olympiad 2018 with support from USAID, EU and UKAID. A Design Camp was organized during April 18-20, 2018 at BARD for the Nutrition Club members to understand the human centric design thinking process and how that can be applied to make the Nutrition Clubs more efficient and address malnutrition in Bangladesh.

Welcome To Our Site


BIID is an inclusive business initiative engaged in developing ICT enabled products and services to support private and public (Government and NGO) initiatives targeted for the BoP (Base of the Pyramid) segment in particular and citizens in general in providing them with access to ICTs and ICT enabled information and services. BIID envisions vast range of opportunities in the ICT4D sector in developing countries; using the existing capacity, expertise and knowledge of BIID, we wish to be engaged in this sector providing different services and solutions for all sector of the society. Currently BIID is working in numerous sectors using ICTs to reach customers and partners more efficiently and to bring relevant services closer to communities in which citizens reside.

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About us

Bangladesh Institute of ICT in Development (BIID) is a distinct inclusive business initiative to support development and promotion of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) based services. Our inclusive approach ensured serving the poor in a sustainable way through market led approach. The distinction of BIID lies in clear identification of ICT as a cross cutting development tools and create opportunities through continuous knowledge management, innovation and development.

BIID Foundation, a social business initiative launched in 2019 as a not-for profit registered under Societies Registration Act 1860 under Registrar of Joint Stock Companies & Firms. BIID Foundation has been pursuing development programs and projects of BIID.

It is BIID's vision to become the market leader in ICT for Development (ICT4D) sector providing services to both public (Government and NGOs) and private sector. Our strategic objective is Leading Through Innovation.

To realize its vision, BIID adopts following key strategies :

Applying existing knowledge (information and expertise in aid to innovate products & services for economic and social development).

Piloting/concept testing to roll-out/scale-up new/existing services.

Understanding citizens (target audience) need and national ICT based development priorities to decide among alternate investment opportunities.

Multi Stakeholder Partnership including collaborating with GoB; national and global private sector leaders in the ICT sector; and academia to leverage impact of planned initiatives, resource mobilization and utilization.

Integrate new ICT tools including mobile based solution and social media.

Constantly update and adopt environment friendly and sustainable technologies which are more suitable are relevant for target beneficiaries.

Specific emphasis on gender issues at every stage, from project development to its implementation and evaluation.

Our Team

Our Team
Md Shahid Uddin Akbar
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Md Shahid Uddin Akbar is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at Bangladesh Institute of ICT in Development (BIID), a private sector initiative to promote the use of ICT as a tool for development. BIID covers research and development on telecentres, e-Governance, capacity building and content development.

Md Shahid Uddin Akbar, born on August 4, 1970 at Chittagong, Bangladesh completed his Masters in Finance and Banking, Mr. Akbar joined a private commercial bank and served as Credit Officer for 8 eight years.

During working in Bank, Mr. Akbar volunteered in various ICT4D initiatives. In 2000, Mr. Akbar established a voluntary organization titled ICT for Development Program Bangladesh (ICTDP’B) to bring the benefits of ICT in the rural areas. He contributed in the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) at national and international level.

Mr. Akbar worked as ICT Consultant in SwissContact/Katalyst, Bangladesh from July 2004 to June 2008. Katalyst, a multi donor funded project promoting competitiveness of small and medium enterprises and addressing the ‘information failure’ of rural areas. Katalyst is implementing ICT4D projects to bridge the gap with special focus to farmer, rural business and livelihood as a whole. Under this project, new business model for establishing Telecenter (Rural ICT Center) in rural areas has been developed to serve the rural communities in a sustainable and commercially viable model.

Mr. Akbar is also serving as a Member of the Executive Committee of Bangladesh Telecentre Network (BTN), a coalition of telecentre practitioners in Bangladesh. He also involved with Junior Chamber International, Internet Society and Diplo Foundation activities.

Our Team
Md Salah Uddin Akbar (Selim)

Md. Salah Uddin Akbar (Selim) was born in 2nd February,1968 in Chittagong, Bangladesh. His father was a banker and than more as a development activist who always encouraged his sons to seek higher education and serve the country. Mr. Akbar, completed his education with Masters Degree under National University.

Our Team
Project Manager (Project Coordinator)

Razib Hasan has an extensive background in project management and capacity development within the urban sector. Transitioning from organizations like JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency), the World Bank, and ADB (Asian Development Bank) to the BIID Foundation suggests a commitment to working on projects that promote innovation and inclusion in urban development. As a Project Manager or Coordinator, Razib Hasan likely brings valuable experience and expertise to his new role, contributing to the foundation's initiatives aimed at enhancing capacity and promoting sustainable urban growth.

Our Team
Asfia Mehajabin Asmin

Asfia Mehajabin Asmin is a trainer at the Bangladesh Institute of ICT in Development (BIID), a dynamic trainer empowering women in entrepreneurship, while also nurturing holistic wellness as a nutritionist, guiding individuals toward success in both business and health with passion and expertise. She has completed B.Sc (Hons) & M.Sc (Food and Nutrition) at the University of Dhaka.

Our Team
Md. Fazle Rashid Khan
Field Coordinator

After completing graduation, Mr. Khan started his career with PUNJ Sons Pvt. Ltd. (an indian firm which was responsible for the execution of ensulation work at Ashulia Fertilizer Company, Brahmanbaria) as Liaison Officer.He worked as Area Manager in Served with Society for Economic & Basic advancement (SEBA).

Our Team
Jahid Hasan
Field Coordinator (Feed The Future Bangladesh Nutrition Activity)

I have completed my B.Sc and M.Sc degree in Food and Nutrition. As a development practitioner, I am a passionate advocate for positive change and sustainable development in communities around the world. I measure my success as a development practitioner not by the number of projects implemented or funds raised, but by the positive impact I have on the lives of individuals and communities. I am driven by a deep sense of empathy, compassion, and a burning desire to create a more just and equitable world for all. Together, let's create a better future for all.

Our Team
Nazmul Hussain
Project Officer (Feed The Future Bangladesh Nutrition Activity)

I'm working as a Project Officer (Feed the Future Bangladesh Nutrition Activity) at Bangladesh Institute of ICT in Development (BIID Foundation). Before that, I have worked as Emergency Manager at Addin Sakina Medical College Hospital. I was responsible for ensuring the health of the people and providing free medical services to the helpless people. And as Assistant Manager at Addin Welfare Center I was engaged in building houses for the homeless people and providing lifelong food support to helpless poor people. I have been involved in various social organizations since my student life.

Our Team
Md Azim
Project Officer (Feed The Future Bangladesh Nutrition Activity)

"Md. Azim works as a Project Officer (Feed the Future Bangladesh Nutrition Activity) at Bangladesh Institute of ICT in Development (BIID). Over the past five years and ten months, he has experience managing teams of over 20 people. He played a key role in implementing 830 houses and 45 rooftop gardens and successfully addressed over 27 technical challenges related to rooftop gardens."

Our Team
Khansa Rahman
Program Associate

She is the former Coordinator of INO 2021. Beside her full time responsibility as Program Associate at BIID Foundation , she is doing her post graduation on Food & Nutrition at Govt College of Applied Human Science. She is the current President of a non profit voluntary Organization Youth Against Hunger Bangladesh.

Our Team
Tahsinul Mobashara (Tiana)
Program Associate

Tahsinul Mobashara joined BIID Foundation as an intern at BIID Foundation and now is working as a Program Associate. She has completed her B.Sc (Hons) & M.Sc (Food and Nutrition) from Government College of Applied Human Science. She was a former Leader of Project Surfaid at Aachol Foundation. She has also been working as a Community Executive at Thyrocare Bangladesh Limited.

Our Team
Nafisa Tabassum
Program Associate

Nafisa Tabassum had joined BIID Foundation as Assistant of CEO and currently is working as a Program Associate. She is studying music at Shurer Dhara.

Our Team
Md. Sumon Islam
Office Assistant

Md. Sumon Islam is from Barisal, Bangladesh. After finishing his SSC, he joined Bangladesh Institute of ICT in Development (BIID) from the beginning of this institution. Now he is continuing his job as an Office Assistant.

Our Services

The Key Features of our Job

Research and Development

Research and Development is at the core of BIIDs approach to ICT for development. R&D services offered by BIID are aimed at development of business models, services and community outreach strategies for ICT4D initiatives in rural Bangladesh. Also BIID understands the value of R&D to facilitate innovation and create opportunity to persuade R&D based initiatives.


Although it came into being in 2008, the leadership behind BIID draws on many years of experience and exposures to ICT for Development (ICT4D) both home and abroad. BIID offers a range of consulting services that are aimed at contributing to the improvement of livelihood, business development of enterprises (SMEs) and initiatives engaged in ICT enabled knowledge based services providing both mobile and web based solutions.

Content Creation and Delivery

Useful and user friendly content is vital in delivering information services targeted for underprivileged communities as individual and entrepreneur’s. Supported by its competence in R&D, BIID specializes in facilitating development of general and location-specific content through its linkages with academic community, research organizations, private and public providers of information.

Knowledge and Skills Development

Based on its understanding of specific training needs of human resources engaged in operation of ICT4D projects and in the provision of information based service delivery mechanism, BIID offers skill development support for prospective organizations and service providers. BIID also initiated digital literacy program to build the capacity of local communities on functionality of computers to handle and manage ICT tools and basic applications efficiently.

Knowledge Transfer

The leadership behind BIID has developed a knowledge base on ICT4D through active participation and sharing with local and international forums & networks. BIID plans to continuously build on it by working in the field so that it can become a major contributor of knowledge to practitioners, researchers, policymakers and other stakeholders both home and abroad through capturing the lessons and sharing with relevant stakeholders.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Whenever BIID is engaged in an intervention, BIID ensures the monitoring of activities taking place and to evaluate their impact with respect to the desired aims and goals. BIID also offer M&E service on behalf of customers and partners to assess the impacts as well as future guidelines.

Clients & Partners


Nutrition Club

Nutrition Club is a concept that has been introduced in Bangladesh by BIID to promote nutrition awareness among communities (both urban and rural) and engage youth volunteers to spread the nutrition messages all over the country. Academic institutes or organizations, who mandate to serve the country in nutrition domain as a social cause, they are our partner to accelerate this nutrition club initiative.

For more details, please visit the Nutrition Club site. Our Facebook Page. Join us on Facebook Group.

International Nutrition Olympiad (INO)

BIID Foundation in collaboration with the government, private sector, academia and development partners has been organizing the Nutrition Olympiad since 2017. The Olympiad has need scaled up as International Nutrition Olympiad (INO) since 2021 and positioned as a unique & inclusive platform for the youth and adolescents to exchange knowledge on nutrition to improve their awareness, knowledge and skills about nutrition.

For more details, please visit the International Nutrition Olympiad (INO) site.

BIID Agriculture Innovation Lab (B-Lab)

The B-Lab idea is based on the proposition that it is sort of an umbrella organization with a focus on young people in the rural areas who want to become real entrepreneurs, especially in agriculture sector.

For more details, please visit the site.

Conceptual Framework of B-Lab

Service Portfolio of B-Lab

e-Krishok: Agricultural Information & Advisory and Market Linkage Services for Farmers

BIID's agricultural service is branded as e-Krishok, an initiative which is aimed at farmers with the desired goal of providing services from which farmers will benefit both in terms of their farming activities and opening up opportunities in new avenues which will ultimately translate into increased income for farmers.

Farmers with any problem or query or issue which is related to agriculture can go to nearby ICT enabled Information Center / Telecentres and receive the information that they are seeking.

The information usually provided to them in a timely and quick manner, so that the farmers can get on with their activities. With such timely and appropriate information, farmers will be able to maximize their economic gain; enabling them to achieve income growth through agricultural activities. e-Krishok is now in a process of transforming into a transactional service. BIID in collaboration with Grameen Phone (GP) introduced SMS/call back service via Short Code. For more details, please visit the ই-কৃষক site. Join us on Facebook.

Pledge for Her

Pledge for Her is a sustainable development initiative to be operated through the Nutrition Clubs towards empowering adolescent girls and women. The Pledge for Her program has been designed to address the challenges to access standard menstruation products & services at affordable cost or free and accessible menstrual hygiene management education for adolescents and women. Nutrition Clubs will host the Pledge for Hear at local level. BIID Foundation foresee to develop the program as a sustainable business model in collaboration with partners from private sector and development agencies.

Nirvoya: Say No to Cyber bullying

BIID introduced “Nirvoya” initiative to build awareness and skills to address the emerging issues of cyber bullying against girls and women in social media under a research project “Cyber Bullying against Girls and Women over Social Media” of the ICT Division, Ministry of Post, Telecom and ICT, Government of Bangladesh.

Key Services for Nirvoya
BIID plans to execute the following activities to help “Nirvoya” stand as a unique platform catering millions of girls and women in Bangladesh who are highly susceptible to cyber violence in the era of rapid digitization.

Video courtesy of BIID.

1. Cyber VAWG Awareness Campaigns Campaigns are inarguably the most effective tool to educate the public on burning social issues and alter social consciousness within a short span of time. BIID plans to hold mass awareness campaigns to directly benefit at least 10,000 women and girls by disseminating awareness on the prevalence of cyber VAWG, encourage everyone large to possess ‘zero tolerance’ and take all the actions necessary to end cyber bullying and alert the victims and potential victims to the available resources to combat cyber violence.
2. Nirvoya Club and Volunteering Platform BIID envisages launching Nirvoya clubs in partnership with Department of ICT (DoICT) in educational institutes with Sheikh Russell Digital Labs (SRDLs). Our target is directly benefit 500 students and 100 teachers and parents per school via these clubs. Therefore at the end of the stipulated time, the direct and indirect beneficiaries of the Nirvoya clubs will amount to 250,000students and 50,000 teachers and parents respectively. The members of the clubs will at the helm for spreading awareness and educating their cohorts and acquaintances about the multiple aspects of cyber bullying and its prevention. Volunteerism is one of the most powerful tool to engage people of all ages in transforming their voices into action in tackling any social impediment. To foster volunteerism, BIID plans to launch a volunteering platform where any individual irrespective of their age, gender and profession can be a part of the movement against cyber violence against women and girls. We plan to recruit 50,000 volunteers from all over Bangladesh who will be an integral part of the Nirvoya network and serve to benefit their own communities through implementation of innovative ideas. Moreover, these volunteers will participate to support all the activities Nirvoya clubs and Nirvoya campaigns.
3. Nirvoya Digital Network In the era of hyper connectivity, social media web based platforms are widely used to create networks among diverse people from across the globe to stand up against or for a cause in unity. BIID has set a target to create a network of half a million women and girls on a social media/web based platform, preferably Facebook. This network will be overarching in terms of the reach and the diversity of the members of the network. Women and girls from any social and professional backgrounds can step out to share their own stories of survival and show their support for one another by extending advice, mentorship etc.

Target Reach BIID aims to reach out to and create a strong network of 1 million young girls (age group: 14-20) and adult women (age group: 21-45) by the end of the stipulated 5 years via Nirvoya campaigns, Nirvoya club & volunteering platform and Nirvoya Digital Network.

Expected Outcome The major expected outcomes of this project are as follows:
1. Raise awareness among generally people, and more particularly women and girls helping them to stay safe in the cyberspace and/or equipping them with the courage and tools to fight cyber bullying if they fall prey to crimes as such.
2. Create an enabling cyber environment for women and girls where they can actively participate and thrive over social media yet stay as safe as possible.
3. Provide guardians and authorities of education institutes a guide for identifying cyber bullying, supervision, helping their children in either effectively combating or containing such behave.
4. Raise awareness at the policy level among practitioners helping them to initiate interventions in the future to combat cyber VAWG.
5. Contribute in defining cyber bullying and guiding policy formulations for government.

Partners BIID will work in collaboration with government, development and private organizations to establish, promote and strengthen the national network, namely Nirvoya, to fight cyber violence against women and girls.

Zero Cost EAS Model

The “Zero Cost” Extension and Advisory Service (EAS) is a model developed by BIID under the e-Krishok service basket, designed to provide agriculture information and advisory to rural farmers. It is a sustainable ICT enable information delivery mechanism through which farmers can avail information and advisory free of cost, hence the name ‘zero cost’.

Bangladesh ICT Consulting Group (BICG)

Bangladesh ICT Consulting Group (BICG), has been designed by Bangladesh Institute of ICT in Development (BIID), a social venture working since 2008 in the field of ICT for Development (ICT4D), and outlined the mandate of BICG will act as “Think Tank” to pursue research based policy advocacy and advisory support on national, regional & global ICT initiatives. BICG, as an independent and knowledge based platform can support the government(s) and other stakeholders including development partners to get neutral and solution centric guidance on ICT related policy, planning, programs & development projects.
Mail us for more information.

Girls Café

Girls Café is a social venture based in Bangladesh introduced by BIID Foundation to engage women entrepreneurs in food business to ensure food quality, nutrition and empower women. Girls Café, based on franchisee model aims to become a reliable supply chain network for safe and nutritious food for the customers, specially the adolescents and women consumers at local level. The initiative will ensure engagement and empowerment of women in the business eco-system, as an entrepreneur, supply chain actor and consumers (preferably adolescent girls). The principle of Girls Café is to be owned & managed by women and designed for women empowerment.
For more details please contact us. Click here.

Nutrition Club Academy (NCA)

Nutrition Club Academy has been designed to empower adolescents and youth to be future leaders and health champions in their communities. The BIID NC programs use an experiential learning approach that delivers action-based information supported by NC mentors. Youth apply skills and knowledge to initiate change in behaviors for themselves, their families, and peers. Programs under NC Academy are offered both virtually and in person, expanding the reach of those who can benefit. The Academy provides customized programs for institutions beyond NC.

WIFI Training Program

Launched in 2016, the Women ICT Frontier Initiative (WIFI) is APCICT’s flagship training programme for promoting women’s entrepreneurship in Asia and the Pacific through ICT capacity development. It is aimed at supporting women-led micro, small and medium entrepreneurs so they can leverage digital technologies in their enterprises, and supporting government leaders and policymakers to create an enabling environment for women entrepreneurs. In 2024, WIFI DX has been launched to offer more smart solution to the women entrepreneurs to become more competitive. In Bangladesh, BIID Foundation with support from Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC), ICT Division has been organizing WIFI training program for women entrepreneurs.

For more details, please visit Facebook Group.

The Integrating Gender and Nutrition within Agricultural Extension Services

The Integrating Gender and Nutrition within Agricultural Extension Services (INGENAES) strives “to increase agricultural production and the incomes of both men and women in rural areas who rely on agriculture for their livelihoods.” INGENAES works with local partners to identify needs and opportunities for making improvements in their projects so that they can more effectively integrate nutrition-sensitive information and to achieve gender equality, improved household nutrition, and increased women incomes and, as a consequence, household food security.

Ultimately, these activities will not only facilitate agricultural extension systems’ ability to reach more rural women with the information they need but also improve the understanding of the nutrition and gendered consequences of choices made in agricultural production systems. INGENAES works with USAID missions, civil society organizations, farmer organizations, universities, and private sector service providers in Feed-The-Future countries. It also collaborates with agricultural extension, gender, and nutrition experts worldwide. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) is the prime implementer of the project. The team also includes the University of California, Davis (UCD), the University of Florida, (UF) and Cultural Practice, LLC (CP). Bangladesh Institute of ICT in Development (BIID) is the implementing partner of INGENAES in Bangladesh and it is being implemented in several other countries including Nepal,Senegal and Zambia. The INGENAES components in Bangladesh include:

- Landscape Study
- Joint DAE-INGENAES Action Learning
- Nutrition Club
- Food Plate Research
- Technology Assessment Research
- Implementation of GRAST
- Gender and Nutrition in Agricultural Extension Trainings

Besides a INGENAES Regional Symposium will be held in March 2017 to share the learning and findings of the project and engage multiple stakeholders for taking forward gender and nutrition integration within agricultural extension. To know more, please the extension website. Join us on Facebook.

Farmbook Business Planning Tool

BIID introduced ‘Farmbook Business Planning Tool’ in Bangladesh under its e-Krishok service basket in 2013. It’s a field based application developed by Catholic Relief Services (CSR) to understand the cost elements, technology, quality input support services and monitoring the profits that different types of farmers gain from using technologies and linking to markets.

It is a tool to enable field agents to help farmers plan their farm businesses more effectively and evaluate their productivity and profitability. Initially, BIID piloted the service in partnership with the Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) to test the solution at field through its extension officers.The application was also implemented in Baira union of Manikganj district by BIID which serves as its innovation lab. During its later phases, Farmbook has been customized for local needs and has been transformed into the following two basic components:

Business Planning Canvas (BPC): It is a tool to help farmers to learn business planning through understanding of various components of business. Farmers can perform the exercise in groups or individually and learn about areas to consider while carrying out a business. BPC can be prepared for any kind of business such as crop, dairy or fishery. Farmers can develop the canvas in a group or develop them individually for their businesses.

Profitability Calculator (PC): This is a simple tool where through which farmers can calculate income and expenditure and measure the profitability of crops. A user can enter data on costs involved such as input, labour, irrigation for crops and calculate the estimated profit at the beginning of the crop season. With the progress of production stages, they can calculate the actual costs and the actual income. Thus they have comparative analysis of the estimated and actual profits. This will help them in identifying and planning for the crop which are more profitable during the following crop season.

The two components are available on mobile based iFormBuilder platform as well as on e-Krishok app. BIID is scaling up Farmbook through its various partners which include Oxfam, VSO and CRS. To learn more, please visit the site. Join us on Facebook.

Ground Cover App for Irrigation Scheduling

BIID is implementing the “Ground Cover App for Irrigation Scheduling” project with CIMMYT for developing a smartphone application to drive irrigation services of farmers of the southern delta of Bangladesh during the dry season.

The consortium members of the project is Bangladesh Institute of ICT in Development (BIID), Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) of University of Twente and Centro International de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo (CIMMYT), funded by the Food & Business Applied Research Fund of The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).

The objectives of the Project is developing a user friendly app which will enable farmers to capture RGB photos of their fields/crops with off-the-shelve smartphones. The photos will be analyzed using an algorithm to estimate the percentage of ground cover. This estimates will be transmitted and integrated into an irrigation advisory system, which will notify farmers about the water requirements and also inform them about available irrigation service providers. The project is anticipated to increase food production and, hence, improve food security. In the long run, it will be an integrated service for farmers, input suppliers and buyers. Click here to download the paper and Click to download the poster.

Development of Peer-to-Peer Business Networks in Southern Delta for Small and Medium Enterprises (SME)

Bangladesh Institute of ICT in Development (BIID) is implementing “Business Network Firm to Support the Development of Peer-to-Peer Business Networks in Southern Delta” project under the Agricultural Value Chain (AVC) program of USAID as one of the partners of DAI.

The project aims at identifying possible solution and develop a business model to strengthen the SME’s with better understanding on professional business management practices by adopting peer-to-peer networking.

The poor performance of the SME’s in South Delta is mainly attributed to lack of practicing management process while running the business. SMEs mostly practice extracting cash from businesses instead of re-investing and improving HR capacity to perform better (increased volume and profit). The objectives of the project is to development of peer-to-peer learning and networking for SMEs (wholesaler/arothdars), development of a mentoring and capacity building methodology suitable for peer-to-peer networking type structure and finding of a potential model for commercialization of such service. BIID is implementing the project in two locations of southern area of Bangladesh which are Patuakhali Sadar under Patuakhali district and Muksudpur upazilla (sub district) under Gopalganj district. Join us on Facebook.

SME: Online Advisory Service.

BIID launched an integrated initiative in Bangladesh to facilitate the rapid growth of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) with the help of ICT in addressing their problem and providing suitable solution to them. Developing the ICT-based platform to offer information and services for the rural enterprises will be an effective strategy to enhance the competitiveness of the rural MSMEs who have, among others, need for information on new markets, better business practices, and business promotion ideas where technology can become the catalyst to help the enterprises access the same.

Empowering through new market linkages and building capacity of the MSMEs will ultimately contribute to the growth and competitiveness in this sector. MSME portal will also be focusing on the access to finance issue as well as training facilities for the MSMEs'. For more details, please visit the SME web portal.

Intel® Easy Steps: A Digital Literacy Program

Intel Corporation signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with BIID for deployment of the Intel® Easy Steps Program in Bangladesh. The Intel® Easy Steps program offers adult learners the opportunity for enhanced social and economic self sufficiency through digital literacy. The Intel Easy Steps materials use adult learning techniques to teach practical and applicable skills to people with minimum computer knowledge.

The Intel® Easy Steps program is being carried out by Intel in Asia to address the digital literacy needs of government employees, as well as adults in rural communities, women, unemployed youth, and other underserved populations. A government needs ICT-literate labor for a competitive workforce which would bring about a competitive economy. On the other hand participants have an opportunity to improve skills thus enhancing their employment prospects. The program includes instructions on running Internet searches, using email, using word processors for creating resumes and other documents, creating spreadsheets, and using multimedia tools to create brochures and posters to promote small businesses. Thus the trainees can develop literacy skills and immediately start applying them into their personal or professional lives. BIID will facilitate value added services for the trainees to end up with a job opportunity or get self employed with support from relevant stakeholders.

Our Products

PANI-Program for Advanced Numerical Irrigation

PANI is a smart solution for the irrigation system using GIS mapping and image processing of the ground
Ground Cover: Take field images and get instantly results by image processing
Geolocating the field: Instantly track your map from the mobile application with just simple clicks around the edge of your field
Free to Use: As always, this application is free to download and use for the irrigation purpose!
Linkage: Connect with the local service providers instantly !

Image courtesy BIID.

Mojai Mojai Pushti Shekha

Mojai Mojai Pushti Shekha is a android based mobile game which helps the user to learn about nutritional foods while playing the game
Full Bangla Mobile Game: The whole game is developed in Native Bangla language for a better UX
Five Different Stages: The game has five different stages with different set of tasks
Free to Use: As always, this application is free to download and use for the entertainment and lesson learning
Easy to play: The game is designed in a way so that with just one single hand user can interact and can be suited for any type of user

Image courtesy BIID.


BIID developed this application for the farmers and small entrepreneurs as a business planning solution for agriculture. With this application farmers and small entrepreneurs can easily calculate the profitability and store new business plan. Moreover tips and brief information on agriculture and business development are also available in this application.
Full Bangla Mobile App: The whole app is developed in Native Bangla language for a better UX
Business canvas: The app has business canvas model to help user to make their own model
Profitability calculator: Farmers and small entrepreneurs can easily calculate the profitability
Easy to use: The app is designed in a way so that with just one single hand user can interact and can be suited for any type of user

Image courtesy BIID.

মিতা, মিলন এবং পুষ্টি গুরুর গল্প (A nutrition based animation)

Animation has always been a great way to disseminate knowledge among the adolescents. In respective to this idea BIID developed The Nutrition Animation where two adolescents named Milon, Mita and a nutrition expert genie named "pusti guru" meet each other. They have a conversation regarding nutrition.

The whole conversation is in Bengali language.

The paltform is used to create social awareness regarding nutrition among the youth.

Video courtesy of BIID.

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Bangladesh Institute of ICT in Development (BIID) House No. 174, Level-2, Apt.B3, Road No. 02, Mohakhali DOHS, Dhaka- 1206Bangladesh

Phone: (+880) 2 8714169, (+880) 2 9845909

Fax: (+880) 2 8714168